Add to... Album: Song Key: F Christ Our Hope In Life And Death Artist: Keith and Kristyn Getty So. Many. Changes. 3/4 and 2/4 make this a challenge Get counting Hymn feel with interesting time signature
Add to... Album: Song Key: A You Are The Lord Artist: Brett Younker Big chorus ballad riffs Heavy on those toms Throw your head back and drop it Taking it back to the old school
Add to... Album: Song Key: G Evidence Artist: Josh Baldwin Strummy acoustic and slide guitar Some concepts that work throughout the whole song Couple cool moments in this laid back groover Going a little country
Add to... Album: Song Key: Ab Breakthrough Miracle Power Artist: Kristian Stanfill There's some power in those notes
Add to... Album: Song Key: B Faithful Now Artist: Vertical Worship Fun grooves! Great Groove. Nice follow line on the keys.
Add to... Album: Song Key: D♭ The Father's House Artist: Cory Asbury Pretty straight forward. Great Groove! 4 chords and the truth.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: B♭ God So Loved Artist: We The Kingdom Heavy strumming and lots of lead. Upbeat and rocking! Some unique tones.
Add to... Album: Song Key: A♭ There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do Artist: Kristian Stanfill Ever changing lead work and strong acoustic strumming Great tempo to groove with. Building subdivisions with some great hits on a chorus. We've got some real important parts.
Add to... Album: Song Key: G This Is A Move Artist: Brandon Lake Lots of acoustic fingerpicking in this one. Warm up those fingers. Fun grooves and straight forward. Very easy. It is a synth bass and we have the joy of playing that part.
Add to... Album: Song Key: G His Mercy Is More Artist: Matt Papa Percussive role on this 6/8 tune. Just support the song. Easy to learn. Great song to get your mitts around.
Add to... Album: Song Key: C Behold The Lamb Artist: Kristian Stanfill Easy acoustic tune with a few key lead riffs. Toms and spacious grooves to start and then we lay into it!! Pretty easy, has a quick change in the chorus but you can do it!!! Heavy on the piano
Add to... Album: Song Key: C Follow You Anywhere Artist: Kristian Stanfill Nice and easy. Fun Grooves! Great parts. Not too hard to master once you know each part.
Add to... Album: Song Key: B♭ New Wine Artist: Hillsong Worship Pretty easy one for all guitarists involved. Lots of Tom grooves! Pretty straight forward with a nice push in the chorus. We carry the load on this but it's a light one.
Add to... Album: Song Key: C Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Beginning To End) Artist: One Sonic Society Simple arpeggios and we added an acoustic part. Super easy one! Super easy once you get the tone down. Nice piano update of an old hymn.
Add to... Album: Song Key: D Miracles Artist: Jesus Culture This one is simple but you need to know where you're at. Pretty simple grooves. Super easy! You've got this! Cool piano pad.
Add to... Album: Song Key: B♭ God You're So Good Artist: Kristian Stanfill and Melodie Malone Easy lead and great way to step into some acoustic note picking. Start off light and drive it at the end. Sparse parts but great inversions. Filling the space in this one.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: D♭ Resurrection Power Artist: Chris Tomlin Acoustic players are going to be busy with this one. Powerful driving grooves. Adventurous bridge. Warm up those fingers
Add to... Album: Song Key: A♭ All My Hope Artist: Crowder Time to do some riffing. Simple 6/8 grooves through this one. Two ways to play this bad boy. Lay down that piano.
Add to... Album: Song Key: C Come To The Table Artist: Sidewalk Prophets Lots to do on both guitars. Nice pocket in the chorus and a fun Turnaround! 16ths of Glory!!! String Time!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: B Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) Artist: Casting Crowns Simple acoustic and some light riffing. Super simple grooves! Some nice grooves and riffs. Piano takes the lead in this one.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: C Set A Fire Artist: Jesus Culture with Martin Smith A real study in how to build a song. Interesting lead work too. Loving how the repetition on this song keeps building and building and building and... Growing sub division.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: C Come As You Are Artist: David Crowder Such a beautiful song with technical slide work and an easy acoustic guitar strum. Love that swing feel. Straight and great! Synth bass world! Beautiful piano work
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: Db Because He Lives (Amen) Artist: Matt Maher Powerful piano driven song with subtle lead and crisp acoustic. Pretty straightforward Great changes and a fun groove. A major piano tune! Get ready to arpeggiate those chords!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: G How Deep The Father's Love For Us Artist: Austin Stone Worship Beautiful arpeggios all around Pretty simple tune. We just have to adjust to the new time signature. 6/4 but pretty simple.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: G Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Artist: Paul Baloche Ain't nothin' but a G chord, baby. Letting the four on the floor carry us through. Extra bits are fun to learn. Lay down some piano.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: E♭ The Heart Of Worship Artist: Matt Redman Remind yourself how good this song is. Includes some teaching on pentatonic riffs. Pocket..Pocket..Pocket Gentle song with easy groove. Break out the Wurly!!!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: B Your Love Awakens Me Artist: Phil Wickham Solid lead riff and driving acoustic Lots of tom work in this one!! Fun stuff! Bit of distortion on this one. Lot-O-Synths!!!!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: C Forever Reign Artist: One Sonic Society The lead guitar just rings out beautifully. You could play these notes all day. This one can be a little challenging but challenge = fun. Signature groove in drop C! Soft pads and light movement
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: D Build Your Kingdom Here Artist: Rend Collective A high energy romp. Get your strum on! Super simple grooves for this one!! Mumford and sons vibe, super fun and great passing tones in the bridge! Easy, Easy, Easy! Get ready to diamond your chords!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: B♭ One Thing Remains Artist: Bethel Music Digging the guitar tone in this song. Lots of arpeggios. Really working the eight note builds into a frenzy. Driving 16ths and glorious 8ths Four chords on a synth!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Up Song Key: C We Believe Artist: Travis Ryan Strong lead and simple acoustic strumming So much fun!! Get ready to let loose in the chorus!! Great Worship Rock Anthem! Time for the ARP!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: D You Are My King (Amazing Love) Artist: Christy Nockels Learn some riff work. Pretty straight grooves. Straight forward with a few nice riffs to learn if you'd like. Piano freedom!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: G It Is Well With My Soul Artist: Hillsong Chapel Tasteful update of an old hymn. Lead really works the tremelo picking and acoustic keeps it simple. Includes bonus content.