
In Christ Alone Song Lesson

Artist: Kristian Stanfill

Tempo: Medium

Song Key: F

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In Christ Alone Chords

(Capo on 5)

INTRO (2x)

F Bb Dm Bb


In Christ alFone my Dmhope is fouCnd HF/Ae is my ligBbht my streCngth my sonFg
This cBbornerstFone this Dmsolid grCound F/Afirm through the fBbiercest droCught and stForm
What hF/Aeights of lBbove What dDmepths of peCace When F/Afears are sBbtilled When sDmtrivings ceCase
My cBbomfortFer My Dmall in Call F/AHere in the Bblove of ChrCist I stFand

INTRO (2x)


There in the grFound His Dmbody Clay LF/Aight of the WBborld by dCarkness sFlain
Then bBbursting foFrth in gDmlorious daCy F/Aup from the gBbrave He rCose agFain
And as He stBbands inDm vic - tor - Cy sin’s F/Acurse hasBb lost its Dmgrip on Cme
ForBb I am FHis andDm He is mCine bF/Aought with the prBbecious blCood of CFhrist

INTRO (2x)


No guilt in lFife no Dmfear in deCath F/AThis is the Bbpower of ChCrist in Fme
From Bblife’s first crFy to Dmfinal brCeath JF/Aesus commBbands my dCe - stFiny
No power of Bbhell no scDmheme of mCan F/Acan ever pBbluck me Dmfrom His hCand
Til BbHe retFurns or Dmcalls me hCome F/AHere in the Bbpower of ChCrist I stFand


F I find my strength Bb I find my hope Dm I find my help Bb in Christ alone
F When fear assails Bb When darkness falls Dm I find my peace Bb In Christ alone
F I give my life Gm I give my all F/A I sing this song Bb to Christ alone
C The King of kings Gm The Lord of all F/A All heaven sings Bb to Christ alone
F Bb To Christ Dmalone Bb In Christ aFlone Bb Dm Bb F


Til BbHe retFurns or Dmcalls me hCome F/AHere in the Bbpower of ChCrist I’ll Dmstand
Here in the pBbower of ChrCist we stFand

In Christ Alone | Kristian Stanfill

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