
How Deep The Father's Love For Us Song Lesson

Artist: Austin Stone Worship

Tempo: Down

Song Key: G

Beautiful arpeggios all around

Pretty simple tune. We just have to adjust to the new time signature.

6/4 but pretty simple.

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How Deep The Father's Love For Us Chords


G C2 G D


How dGeep the Father’s love for C2us How Gvast beyond all measDure
That GHe should give His only C2Son and mGake a wretch His trDeasGure
How gEm7reat the pain of searing lC2oss The FGather turns His face awDay
As wEm7ounds which mar the chosen C2One bring mGany sons to gDlo - Em7ry D G Em7 D G


BehGold the Man upon the crC2oss My sGins upon His shouldDers
AshGamed I hear my mocking vC2oice call Gout among the sDcoffeGrs
It Em7was my sin that held Him tC2here unGtil it was accomplDished
His Em7dying breath has brought me C2life I knGow that it is fDi - nEm7ished D G Em7 D G
Yes it is fEm7inished D G Yes it is fEm7inished D G


I Gwill not boast in anything No gifts no power now wisdDom
But GI will boast in Jesus CC2hrist His dGeath and resurreDctioGn
Why sEm7hould I gain from His reC2ward I cGannot give an answDer
But Em7this I know with all my hC2eart His woGunds have paid my DransGom
Why sEm7hould I gain from His reC2ward I cGannot give an answDer
But Em7this I know with all my hC2eart His woGunds have paid my DransGom
Yes Em7this I know with all my hC2eart His woGunds have paid my DransGom

How Deep The Father's Love For Us | Austin Stone Worship

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