5 Resolutions to Make You An Awesome Worship Musician
I love new year’s resolutions. Setting a few goals, writing them down and periodically coming back to the list is a great way to combat the quick passage of time.
Here are some ideas for resolutions you can make to become a better musician. Who knows, maybe at one point these will just become some of your habits!
Fall in Love with One Album Per Month
The drawback of having so much music at our fingertips is that we often fail to really settle into a single album. Most artists put a lot of thought into their records and the really beautiful gems can take some time to dig up. This year, be intentional about searching out new material and forcing yourself to stick with it. My hunch is you will find a lot to get excited about in the details. Speaking of details…
Focus on the Details
There is a difference between playing a part and mastering it. Listen to yourself critically. Could that note ring a little better? Is the timing on that change perfect? Are you and your drummer really in sync? Resolve to not rush onto the new without having a good handle on the old.
Expand Your Toolbox
It’s easy to avoid challenges. You go to the same lead riff because you haven’t stepped outside your ability for awhile. Pick a technique and really work on it. Is your tremolo picking inconsistent? Do you struggle with 16th note high hats? Are you running out of bass transitions? It takes more work to avoid something than to become proficient at it. Confront some giants this year.
Be Consistent
Nothing makes you a better musician like consistent practice. Pick a time every day or week that is dedicated to practicing. It doesn’t have to be a 3 hour session, 10-15 minutes a day can make a huge difference. You can’t not get better when you practice consistently.
Become a Mentor
You don’t need to be assigned a position to be a mentor. You only need take an interest in one person on your team. Strike up conversation, talk about gear, share your experiences and ask them to share their's. Offer tips while asking for some of your own. Build relationship around music. You don’t have to be the best player on the worship team to do it, you just have to be willing.
Time flies, folks. If you are not intentional it flies even faster. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself. I might not complete every resolution I make this year, but I definitely won’t if I don’t make them in the first place.
chat room
Submitted by terry k on January 12, 2017 - 5:24pm.
how do i get to talk to other musicians ??
The comments sections
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 12, 2017 - 5:29pm.
on the blog can be pretty engaging. Our Facebook page is great also
Learning guitar
Submitted by unknowncajun on January 14, 2017 - 12:09pm.
I came across your page on Facebook and it really caught my attention.
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 17, 2017 - 1:57pm.
can do it!
Submitted by jmlawson on February 6, 2017 - 5:29pm.
What kind of Amp is Jason using?
I use an Vox AC-30
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on February 7, 2017 - 2:34pm.
But if I was playing outside the studio, an AC-15 like this one would do the trick (and it's half the price).
From Metal/Alternative To Worship
Submitted by STPETE on June 25, 2017 - 10:31pm.
I'm no professional Musician with key changes I get lost I really struggle. Worship Leadership I aspire to but I Play What I can well with practise but don't get that novelty with the group. Song Choices are often out of my hands especially with being in a mixed congregation Children,Adolescent, Young Adults, Adults, Elderly. Its difficult playing so everyone can get into and be involved In Worship. Its been a Journey to get here to ensure of my calling I offer what musicianship I have in sacrifice. Its not about me however rough or badly I play but we all only improve. May courage and blessing go out to all those whose intent to use their gift to glorify our Lord and Saviour.
Let the music draw them in this is our time let every heart feel it in spirit and truth this is what we do.
Style can feel like a barrier
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 26, 2017 - 11:04am.
but as you said we all get better with practice. The more we focus on the substance of worship the less we are distracted by style. Keep plugging. It sound like you've got a great heart for it.