
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear Song Lesson

Artist: Worship Artistry

Song Key: Ab

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It Came Upon A Midnight Clear Chords

(Capo on 1)


Ab/ / / Bbm/ / / Ab/ / / / / / Db/ / / Eb/ / / Ab/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Verse 1

It Abcame uBbmpon a Abmidnight clear that Dbglorious Bbsong of Ebsusold Eb
From Abangels Bbmbending Abnear the earth to Dbtouch their Ebharps of Abgold
Peace Con the earth good Fmwill to men from Ebheaven's all Bbgracious EbsusKing Eb
The Abworld in Bbmsolemn Abstillness lay to Dbhear the Ebangels Absing

Verse 2

Still Abthrough the Bbmcloven Abskies they come with pDbeaceful wiBbngs unfuEbsusrled Eb
And Abstill their Bbmheavenly mAbusic floats o'er Dball the weEbary worAbld
AbCove its sad and Fmlowly plains they bEbend on hBbovering wEbsusing Eb
And Abever oBbm'er its BAbabel sounds the blDbessed anEbgels siAbng

Verse 3

And Abye beneBbmath life's cruAbshing load whose Dbforms are bBbending lEbsusow Eb
Who Abtoil aloBbmng the cliAbmbing way with paDbinful stEbeps and sAblow
Look nCow for glad and gFmolden hours come sEbwiftly oBbn the wEbsusing Eb
O Abrest besBbmide the wAbeary road and Dbhear the aEbngels siAbng

Verse 4

Yet Abwith the wBbmoes of sAbin and strife the wDborld has suBbffered lEbsusong Eb
BeAbneath the Bbmangel stAbrain have rolled two Dbthousand yEbears of wAbrong
And Cman at war with Fmman hears not the Eblove song wBbhich they bEbsusring Eb
O Abhush the nBbmoise ye mAben of strife and Dbhear the Ebangels sAbing


It Came Upon A Midnight Clear | Worship Artistry

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