
Free, Amen Song Lesson

Artist: We The Kingdom

Song Key: Eb

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Free, Amen Chords

(Capo on 3)

Intro (2x)

EbA Bb/D- Cmmen BbA - Abmen Eb/GA - Fmmen

Verse 1

EbHope falling down like Bb/Drain CmLove that I can't exBbplain AbPeace that stills Eb/Gmy Fmsoul
EbLight in the darkest Bb/Dplace CmLife even in the Bbpain it Abfeels like comEb/Ging Fmhome

Chorus 1

Where the EbSpirit of the Lord is Ab/Ebthere is freedom EbI am free amAb/Eben
Where the EbSpirit of the Lord is Ab/Ebthere is freedom EbI am free aAb/Ebmen

Verse 2

EbHere I'm alive aBb/Dgain CmGone is the weight of Bbsin Aboh sweet libEb/Ger - Fmty
Praise EbGod who saved my Bb/Dlife I'm Cmbought with the blood of BbChrist AbI have been Eb/Gre - Fmdeemed

Chorus 1

Chorus 2

Where the EbSpirit of the Lord Eb/Gis Abthere is freedom EbI am free amAben
BbWhere the CmSpirit of the Lord is Abthere is freedom BbI am free amen


EbFree Fmat Eb/Glast AbFree at last Thank EbGod Almighty I am Cmfree at Bblast
EbAll Fmmy Eb/Gchains are Abin the past Thank EbGod Bb/DAl - Cmmighty G/BI am Bbfree at Eblast
EbFree Fmat Eb/Glast AbFree at last Thank EbGod EbsusAl - Ebmighty I am Cmfree at Bblast
EbAll Fmmy Eb/Gchains are Abin Bbthe Ab/Cpast Thank EbGod Bb/DAl - Cmmighty I am Bbfree at Eblast
EbFree Fmat Eb/Glast AbFree Bbat Ab/Clast Thank EbGod EbsusAl - Ebmighty I am Cmfree at Bblast
EbAll Fmmy Eb/Gchains are Abin Bbthe Ab/Cpast Thank EbGod Bb/DAl - Cmmighty I am Bbfree at Eblast

Free, Amen | We The Kingdom

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