
The Blood Song Lesson

Artist: Bethel Music

Song Key: G

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The Blood Chords


G/ / / / / / / D/ C/ / / / / / / /

Verse 1

GEverything changed it's getting harder to DrecogCnize
The person I was before I encountered C[G[hrist
I don't walk like I used to I don't talk like I uDsed to
IC've been washed from the inside I've been washed from the inside out

Chorus (2x)

HGallelujah HalleDlu - Cjah I know it was the blood Could have only been the blGood


Verse 2

GI cannot explain but nothing's more rDeal than tChis
In the presence of God what my heart experienGced
When my shame hit the wayside and my sin met the Dmost high
IC've been washed from the inside I've been washed from the inside out

Chorus 1 (2x)

Instrumental (2x)

G/ / / / / / / D/ C/ / / / / / / /


It's never been about Gperformance perfection or striving for acceptaDnce
Let me tCell you it's only by the blood
It's never been about dGeserving or earning it's a gift that's freely givDen
Let me tCell you it's only by the blood
Does anybody want to be hGoly and righteous purified and spotDless
Let me tCell you it's only by the blood
Does anybody want to be wEmorthy forgiven jGustified really living
Let me tCell you it's only by the blood



G/ / / / / / / D/ C/ / / / / / / / Em/ / / / G/ / / / C/ / / / / / / /

Chorus (2x)

The Blood | Bethel Music

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