
Resurrection Hope Song Lesson

Artist: Aaron Williams

Song Key: B♭

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Resurrection Hope Chords


Bb/ / / / / / / / / / / / F/ / / /

Verse 1

TBbhis has been the anchor of eGmvery generation
Through tFrial and storm tEbhis has been our cornerBbstone
Our pBbromise in the tempest Our liGmght that breaks the darkness
No mFatter what comes tEbhis will be our cornersGmtone our cornersFtone

Chorus 1}
For CBbhrist was scorned and crucified and CFhrist was dead and raised to life
Now dBb/Death forever oEbverthrown by CGmhrist our resurrFection hope
He Bb/Dis our rEbesurrFection hBbope

Verse 2

PBbraise the risen Savior the gGmrave has lost its power
There's Fno fear in death tEbhis is how the story eBbnds
So liBbft a mighty chorus our hGmoly defiance
NFo we will not be shaken tEbhis is how the story eGmnds the story eFnds



O CGmhrist the vF/AictorBby death where where is yFour sting
All hGmail the F/Arisen KBbing death where where is yFour sting
O CGmhrist the vF/AictorBby dCmeath wBbhere where is yGmour sFting
All hGmail the F/Arisen KBbing dCmeath wBbhere where is yGmour sFting
O dCmeath wBbhere where is yGmour sFting
O death where where is your sting it's sCmwalloGmwed up in vFictory

Chorus 2

For CBbhrist was scorned and crucified and CFhrist was dead and raised to life
Now dBb/Death forever oEbverthrown by CGmhrist our resurrFection hope
And tBbhere's a day that's coming soon the bFride of Christ will see her groom
We'll lBb/Dive with him forEbevermore O CGmhrist our resurrFection hope
He IBb/Ds our rEbesurrecFtion hope He IBb/Ds our rEbesurrecFtion hBbope

Resurrection Hope | Aaron Williams

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