Add to... Album: Song Key: G This Is A Move Artist: Brandon Lake Lots of acoustic fingerpicking in this one. Warm up those fingers. Fun grooves and straight forward. Very easy. It is a synth bass and we have the joy of playing that part.
Add to... Album: Song Key: G His Mercy Is More Artist: Matt Papa Percussive role on this 6/8 tune. Just support the song. Easy to learn. Great song to get your mitts around.
Add to... Album: Song Key: B♭ New Wine Artist: Hillsong Worship Pretty easy one for all guitarists involved. Lots of Tom grooves! Pretty straight forward with a nice push in the chorus. We carry the load on this but it's a light one.
Add to... Album: Song Key: C Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Beginning To End) Artist: One Sonic Society Simple arpeggios and we added an acoustic part. Super easy one! Super easy once you get the tone down. Nice piano update of an old hymn.
Add to... Album: Song Key: B♭ God You're So Good Artist: Kristian Stanfill and Melodie Malone Easy lead and great way to step into some acoustic note picking. Start off light and drive it at the end. Sparse parts but great inversions. Filling the space in this one.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: D Your Glory (Nothing But The Blood) Artist: All Sons and Daughters
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: B♭ Holy Is The Lord Artist: Chris Tomlin The definition of a solid tune. Straight ahead strumming with some fun lead work. Pretty simple song. New groove on a great song! Right hand only!!!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: F Man of Sorrows Artist: Hillsong Worship Feels like a modern hymn. Well written with some cool acoustic picking. Pretty simple tune. Different groove but great to play.
Add to... Album: Tempo: Medium Song Key: B♭ One Thing Remains Artist: Bethel Music Digging the guitar tone in this song. Lots of arpeggios. Really working the eight note builds into a frenzy. Driving 16ths and glorious 8ths Four chords on a synth!
Add to... Album: Tempo: Down Song Key: D Spirit Of The Living God Artist: Vertical Worship We added a tasteful acoustic part and really worked the dynamics Fun tune with a great vibe! 5 string joy. If you have a 4 you can rock it too. Simplicity is beautiful.